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Over on grande.full.body Ryan has been going on about his new pseudonym Roland Desrosiers and twice misspelling – here and here – mine. At his urging, and perhaps against my better judgement, I am dedicating this post to my fantastic alter ego: Didier Flamand.

Like an enigma wrapped in a mystery and then locked in a box at the bottom of the ocean the origins of my pseudonym are mirky at best. Today, however, I will reveal one of the great mysteries of our time: how did I come to be Didier Flamand?

This story starts, as do many, with a seemingly innocuous trip to the cinema with my old friend Melanie P. I had dragged her to see Marguerite Duras’ India Song at Metro Cinema in Edmonton on the advice of a film professor. I should’ve guessed it wasn’t going to be Mean Girls but I needed to see it and didn’t want to go alone. Needless to say Mel wasn’t particularly excited by what is essentially an experiment in film.

Basically it’s two hours of this repeated:

Anyway, as the credits began to roll and this song – which continues to haunt my memories – played for what must have been the twentieth time we noticed that one of the actors, playing le jeune invitĂ©, was named Didier Flamand. We also decided this was possibly the gayest named of all time. It instantly and forever became my pseudonym. As matter of fact, Melanie’s pseudonym briefly became India Song – this film clearly had a profound impact on our lives – which I also rather liked but didn’t really stick.

For a time my pseudonym became so all-encompassing it inspired it’s own Myspace profile and a further pseudonym of it’s own – Laddie Findram, itself an anagram of Didier Flamand – who sang “I Hope You Dance and I Hope You Holler” featured on the above mentioned Myspace profile.

And that, friends, is the story of Didier Flamand.
The man.
The legend.
The future.